الصيدلة و النظام الشامل و التنمية البشرية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تقديم الاستشارات
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 الأعشاب الموجودة بالصيدلية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أبونور أحمدي
تنين المنتدي
أبونور أحمدي

المساهمات : 590
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/08/2007
العمر : 48
الموقع : http://cttt101.blogspot.com

الأعشاب الموجودة بالصيدلية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: الأعشاب الموجودة بالصيدلية   الأعشاب الموجودة بالصيدلية Emptyالأربعاء يناير 23, 2008 1:26 pm

الأعشاب الموجودة بالصيدلية بالأقراص و الاشربة متنوعة و عديدة هنعرف معلومات عن كل نوع بسرعة في المشاركات الجاية

شجرة اسمها ginkgo biloba
صينية الاصل
من اقدم الاشجار علي وجه الارض وهي شجرة معمرة ممكن يوصل عمرها ل1000 سنة
وبيوصل طولها ل120 متر
الجزء المستخدم منها هو الاوراق
تحتوي علي نسبة عالية جدا من flavonoids - terpenoids
بتوصل نسبة الflavonoids فيها ل 26%
ووجود المواد دي بنسبة عالية فيها هو سبب كفائتها في علاج
Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
circulatory disorders
tinnitus, vertigo, and to improve memory and mental
disorientation, headaches, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and vertigo
موجودة في السوق في ادوية كتير ذي:
tanakan شراب واقراص
tebonina forte اقراص
ginko forte كبسول
وحتي موجودة باسمها (ginko)
وفي منها combination مع ginseng
في صورة majic g كبسول
[جرعتها حوالي 240 مجم في اليوم متقسمة علي 3 مرات بعد الاكل مباشرة
لانها بتعمل slight G.I.T disturbance
وهو دة اشهر اعراضها الجانبية يعني تعتبر safe
من اطرف المعلومات عنها
ان لو تناولها المريض قبل النوم مباشرة هايفتكر كل احلامه لما يصحي

اسمه العلمي Panax ginseng
منه نوعين
الامريكي والاسيوي
الجزء المستخدم منه هو الجذور
يحتوي علي:
mucilage, arabinose, camphor,Panaxosides, essential oil , saponin (ginsenoside), protopanaxadiol, protopanaxatriol, resin .
يستخدم كعلاج في حالات
Alzheimer's Disease
Alcohol Intoxication:
enhance the Cardiovascular Health

Although not proven, ginseng may also raise HDL (the good cholesterol), while reducing total cholesterol levels.
Immune System Enhancement
Mental performance and Mood Enhancement
emphysema or chronic bronchitis(Respiratory Disease)
Menopausal symptoms
High blood pressure
(لو استعمل بجرعة عالية منه (500مجم)يوميا لفترة طويلة (شهر او شهرين مثلا

يبقي لازم يتبعها فترة توقف عن تناوله تصل من اسبوع او اسبوعين الي احيانا نفس فترة العلاج
يبقي مثلا يتاخد شهر ونوقفه شهر
الادوية الموجودة في السوق وتحتوي علي الجنسنج:

royal vit g capsule
vitamax capsule
v2 plus capsule
lady vit capsule
ginseng capsule
lady 4 capsule

اسمه العلمي :Allium sativum
الجزء المستخدم منه : 'head' of garlic
يقال ان موطنه الاصلي:Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and western China
يعني اسيوي وانتشر بعد كدة الي دول البحر المتوسط(وليس الابيض المتوسط)
زرع في مصر منذ 1600 سنة قبل الميلاد

بيحتوي علي:
Alliin is an odorless sulfur-containing chemical derived from the amino acid cysteine. When garlic bulbs are crushed, alliin is converted into another compound called allicin. Allicin appears to be at least one of the primary active compounds that gives garlic its characteristic odor and many of its healing benefits.

تاريخ الثوووووم الناصع البياض:

Garlic has been used as both food and medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, dating as far back as the time that the Egyptian pyramids were built.

in early 18 th -century France drank a concoction of crushed garlic in wine they believed would protect them from the plague that killed many people in Europe. More recently, during both World Wars I and II, soldiers were given garlic to prevent gangrene. Today garlic is used to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries that can block the flow of blood and possibly lead to heart attack or stroke), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and to improve the immune system. Garlic may also protect against cancer
حديثا بيستخد في:

Cardiovascular disease
Garlic may also decrease blood pressure
Common cold
raw garlic may have antiparasitic properties against the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, which is the most common type of intestinal parasite

موجود في السوق في صورة:
tomex tablet
tomex plus tablet
وموجود في combination مع evening prime roseفي:
alirosa capsule
وبيسخدموا في:
maintain physical activity
improve circulation
have value in hypertention
for high lipid
لانه بيزود HDL
وطبعا عارفين كلنا استخدامه الاساسي
في التقلية

Purple coneflower
اسمها العلمي
Echinacea angustifolia/Echinacea pallida/Echinacea purpurea
Plant part used: aboveground parts and roots
موطنه الاصلي
United States
purpleهو نبات عشبي زهرته لونها
يحتتوي علي
essential oil-polysaccharide-higherfatty acids- protein-vitamin C; enzymes-caffeic acid derivatives
General Uses
Preparations of echinaceae are used to support and promote the natural powers of resistance of the body, especially in infectious conditions (influenza and colds, etc.) in the nose and throat, as an alterative in influenza, inflammatory and purulent wounds, abscesses, furuncles, indolent leg ulcers, herpes simplex, inflammation of connective tissue, wounds, headaches, metabolic disturbances, and as a diaphoretic and antiseptic.
Products of Echinacea in the market:
Immulant cap
Immulant syp
Mulone dp
Echinaceae syp

شهرته:night willow herb
اسمه العلمي:Oenothera biennis L

الجزء المستخدم منه: Seed
موطنه الاصلي وحكايته مع الزمان:
The Evening or Tree Primrose, though originally a native of North Arnerica, was imported first into Italy and has been carried all over Europe, being often naturalized on river-banks and other sandy places in Western Europe. It is often cultivated in English gardens, and is apparently fully naturalized in Lancashire and some other counties of England, having been first a garden escape.

يحتوي علي
Essential fatty acids: linoleic , alpha-linolenic , gamma-
linolenic acid.


1to 3 grams per day has been suggested

-prevent various sick conditions such as cancers
-decrease the pain during the menstrual cycle
-during pregnancy
-in atopic eczema
zinc deficiency
hypersensitivity child
Primrose is used to treat catarrh of the respiratory tract.

موجود في السوق في ادوية:
meparose cap
primalive cap
primrose plus cap
arilosa cap-in combination with garlic

milk thisle
اسمه العلمي: Silybum marianum

مشهور ب:Silymarin

الجزء المستخدم منه:Seed, leaves, root

موطنه الاصلي ومصادره:Milk thistle grows wild in Europe and was first brought to the United States by European colonists. It is now grown commercially on both coasts of the United States
وموجود في مصر (wild)

يحتوي علي :

Silymarin, a group of flavonolignans containing the isomers silybin, silydianin, and silychristin


Milk thistle is used to be a supportive treatment to various destructive disorders of the liver, such as alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxic hepatitis

معلومات شيقة عنه:

The leaves of Milk thistle have white veins. And it was believed that the vein carried the milk of Virgin Mary in the Ages. Probably that what Milk thistle was named. At that time the plant was used to cause uterus to contract, similar to ergot. The ancient Greek used this herb for the snake bite, latter on it was used for liver and gallbladder diseases. Till now, almost 18 centuries after, it still known as a remedy for chronic liver problems.

موجود في السوق في صورة:

silymarin plus cap

silymarin plus packets

legalon 70 mg tab

legalon 140 mg tab

mariagon tab

seralon-e cap

levatone cap

other Names: Fennel. Sweet Fennel. Wild Fennel
الاسم العلمى Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare

Family: N.O. Umbelliferae

يحتوى على:

(Anethol( is also the chief constituent of Anise oil-
- Fenchone -
d-pinene, phellandrine, anisic acid and anisic aldehyde. Phenylprpanoids -
-Rutin, Flavonoids, Quercetin, Kaempferol

الاستخدام الطبى:

with purgatives to allay their tendency to griping-
-correct the flatulence of infants
فى حالات الانتفاخ للاطفال
Fennel tea employed as a carminative-
*وفى حالات الكحة المزمنة
Fennel expels wind, provokes urine, and eases the pains of the stone, and helps to break it

The leaves or seed boiled in barley water and drunk, are good for nurses, to increase Their milk and make it more wholesome for the child.

A decoction of the leaves and root is good for serpent bites, and to neutralize vegetable poison, as mushrooms, etc

The seed is of good use in medicines for shortness of breath and wheezing, by stoppings of the lungs.

and powdered Fennel has the effect of driving away fleas from kennels and stables**
البودرة قادرة على ابعاد البراغيث عن بيوت الكلاب والاسطبلات وتستخدم احيانا كغذاء للماشية

Safety Information:
Dermal sensitizer, possibly carcinogenic.
Avoid in instances of endometriosis, prostatic hyperplasia and estrogen-dependent cancers.
***[Narcotic in large quantities. Avoid in epilepsy and if pregnant. Pregnancy/LactationEmmenagogue effects.) Avoid use.**

**(Fennels oil containing high levels of the toxic estragol

موجود في السوق في ادوية:
aqua gripe syp ماء غريب
baby calm syp
aqua baby syp
baby drink packets

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